
ISO 9001:2015 Quality Management System

ISO 9001 col

Aaco has developed its Quality System to better define a quality standard for its products and services.

This has allowed us to consolidate our customer’s expectations and make AACO products more and more reliable all over the world.

AACO Manufacturing’s mission, defined by the Management in the “Quality Policy” document, states in fact that the Company’s activities shall be aimed at the HIGHEST CUSTOMER SATISFACTION by means of the supply of safe, reliable products, technologically compliant with modern needs of operators and customers.

UNI EN ISO 9001:2015 certification witnesses AACO's direct commitment to product and process quality.



Italian Code for Responsible Payments

CPR BR CMYKAACO MANUFACTURING is officially among the companies adhering to the Italian Code for Responsible Payments, the first regulation in Italy dedicated specifically to the topic of payment regularity.
By joining the Italian Code for Responsible Payments, companies undertake to respect payment terms agreed with their suppliers and, more generally, to spread a “culture” on the matter of punctual, efficient and transparent payments, encouraging the adoption of the Code throughout the entire production chain.

Gianfelice Rocca, president of Assolombarda and advocate of the project, declares: “We started with several big industries and multinational corporations, with the aim of extending the Code to the entire Country. The challenge, in fact, is making this tool a model of ethical behaviuor, a national self-governance code concerning payments between private companies”.

“Small businesses are often forced to “act as a bank” towards their own customers, without any protection or advantages on the credit claimed – states Alvise Biffi, president of Assolombarda’s Piccola Impresa. This is a revolutionary venture because, through a definite payment term, considerable trade receivables can be unfrozen, and these automatically turn into investment for the revitalization of small and medium-sized enterprises.

"In recent years, the situation has significantly changed thanks to the many measures adopted by the Government, in particular with Legislative Decree 35/2019, which modified the Italian legislation on payments between companies, and with Legislative Decree 34/2019, which introduced the obligation for the companies that draw up the corporate social Responsibility Report to give evidence of the average payment periods of the transactions carried out. With recent regulatory interventions, the subjects who promoted the CPR believe that the need for a self-regulatory initiative such as the CPR has been overcome. In consideration of the above, they declare that the conditions exist to consider the project concluded, ceasing its effects from 15/09/2019 ". (extract from the official press release dated 02/09/2019 issued by the promoting committee)

For AACO MANUFACTURING the commitment remains deep in instilling earnestness and mutual respect, promoting the campaign "be responsible, pay suppliers and keep the commitments made by respecting agreements and deadlines". This is the ethical path that we follow and promote every day.